Ahh Paris. It’s been two years today since our very first visit to the City of Light, and every day I yearn to go back. I know that one day we will return, but until then, I manage to get through the wait by following a number of Instagram accounts who post the most beautiful pictures of Paris. From the gorgeous buildings and architecture, to the details like a bistro setting outside a beautiful cafe and flowers at the market; these photos make me smile because Paris really is as pretty as these photos.
I’ve compiled a list of five of my favourite Instagram accounts to follow who post the most luscious photos of this beautiful city. If you’re a lover of Paris, or are yearning to visit, I recommend you follow these accounts to inject a little bit of Parisian beauty into your life each day!
Carin Olsson, Paris in Four Months
Instagram: @parisinfourmonths
I love Carin’s story – she is originally from Stockholm and moved to Paris for just ‘four months’ to pursue a life in the French Capital, and after her four months were up, she immediately began planning a return. She went back within a year and has been based in Paris since January 2013.
She’s a professional photographer, working mainly with the luxury fashion brands in Paris – everyone from Chanel, Gucci, Ellie Saab – making for BEAUTIFUL photos of stunning clothing (I love the shoe pictures), but is also posting tidbits of her life around Paris. She’s great to follow on Snapchat too (@carinolsson).

Edna, Expat Edna
Instagram: @expatedna
Edna is an American expat who has worked and lived abroad in France, Italy, China and Singapore since she was 18. While she’s lived in all these incredible countries and visited countless more, it’s Paris that has stolen her heart and she spends most of her time here – considering it her home base.
Her photos are a beautiful mix of stunning florals, quaint French cafes, beautiful buildings around Paris and more.

Hana Le Van, Journey into La Ville Lumber
Instagram: @journeyintolavillelumiere
Originally from Slovakia, Hana’s journey as a professional photographer and traveller has landed her in Paris, where she’s been since 2013. She has a photography blog and shares the most beautiful photos of Paris. She travels often and posts lots of other stunning photos of European cities, but it’s her Parisian photography that I love the most.

Erika L., Allee Des Roses
Instagram: @alleedesroses
I’ve only just recently discovered Erika’s Instagram, but am hooked already. Her foodie pictures are sublime, as are the photos capturing those stunning ‘detail’ shots of life in Paris. Her photos capture Paris in a simple yet stunning way and I love the pastel-perfect palette of photos that she has on her Instagram feed!

Georgianna Lane & David Phillips, Parisian Moments
Instagram: @aparisianmoment
Another newly discovered gallery, Georgianna and David are professional writers/designers/photographers and visit Paris often, resulting in a huge collection of beautiful photography. Their images are available for purchase through their website in the form of prints and canvases. I know that as soon as I have a place to call ‘home’ (it might be a long time away, but one day!) I’ll be purchasing some to put on our walls!
Their photography is oh so Parisian, and I love the unique angles they use.

So there you have it, my five favourite Parisian Instagrammers to follow for a bit of Paris magic in your life each day. I can’t wait to go back, and the photos I discover on these Instagram feeds inspire me each and every day. I’m sure they’ll inspire you to make a visit to Paris as well!
I’m always keen to discover new people to follow, so if you have any recommendations for beautiful accounts of Paris that you love, please tell me in the comments below, or tag me in their photos on Instagram – you can find our account at @anomadicexistence . Unfortunately there is a severe lack of pretty Paris pictures but we have lots of other amazing photos!
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